Working for Change

UU Congregation of Sterling has been working towards change and understanding of racial issues. Here is what they've done from their October Newsletter article - Spare Any Change? Rev. Jacquelline Hollingsworth of Christ Chapel AME and Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael lead the Forum on Race, Safety and Relationships in Loudoun County, Sept. 17th, at the Christ Chapel AME congregation. The forum invited participants into a deep discussion of our different experiences in our county, and our desire to reach across diversity for the sake of our community and especially our children. Members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling were in attendance with faith leaders and members from all across Loudoun County. The conviction that rose from our gathering was: “If you are not safe, I am not safe.” or said another way: “I am my brothers, I am my sister’s keeper.” This sort of a dialogue spurs change for our community that will serve us all - a way for us to build relationships around a common hope - safety for all.

Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael

Rev. Jacquelline Hollingsworth