Why Professional Development for Staff?

By Patricia Infante, Beth Casebolt

Professional Logos-UUAMP, UUMA, LREDA, AUUA, AUUMM

Change is afoot in our congregations! Ready or not, we are all learning new skills and adapting old ways to meet emerging needs, especially your professional staff. Across our association,EN-US"> ministers, religious educators, administrators, music professionals and facilities staff have all stepped up andEN-US"> demonstrated that they are up EN-US">toEN-US"> theEN-US"> challengeEN-US">, sometimes “building the plane as they fly it.” As we enter our second year of virtual church and look ahead, EN-US">wouldn’t it be EN-US">great to build the planEN-US">eEN-US"> before it leaves the groundEN-US">?EN-US"> Now is a great time to ask: EN-US">aEN-US">re you EN-US">providing the resources EN-US">for yEN-US">our staffEN-US"> to EN-US">developEN-US"> the skillsEN-US"> they need to be EN-US">successful in this new paradigEN-US">m?

Serving in a congregation can be a lonely proposition and networking is critical to the success of our religious professionals. Learning together is one of the best ways to growEN-US"> the EN-US">skills and relationships that will enhance EN-US">anEN-US">yEN-US"> vocation. Professional organizations such as the UU Ministers Association (UUMA)EN-US"> andEN-US"> the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) offer trainings and opportunities for connection but congregations must also do their part EN-US">by providingEN-US"> both financial support and focused time for study.EN-US"> Our congregational staffEN-US"> also find EN-US">a growing need for skills that aren’t part of theEN-US">irEN-US"> typical EN-US">professional EN-US">toolboxEN-US">: things like EN-US">how to do EN-US">online learningEN-US"> or how to grow a virtual family ministry.

When thinking about professional support, don’t forget your musicians, administrators and membership professionals. Each of these areas has their own professional organizationEN-US"> and training opportunitiesEN-US">. Some of these are free, and some have costs. These groups have active facebook groups and email discuEN-US">ssion lists, collegial opportunities to gather virtually and shared learning opportunities. EN-US">These groups share information and research that benefits all congregations involved.EN-US"> But to access much of this content, one must be a member of the professional organization.

Your UUA EN-US">Congregational Life staff is working across regions to engage staff and leaders in collaborative learning to address emerging ways of “doing churchEN-US">” and we look forward to being in this work with you. Equipping EN-US">your ministries with the tools they will need as EN-US">we move through 2021 andEN-US"> into the future will EN-US">make our “return” one to truly celebrate!

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