CER Leader Skill Ups Scheduled for 2023-24

By Central East Region of the UUA

CER Leader Skill Up. CER Leadership Skill Ups for changing times monthly calls start with Worship to Center and ground your yeaer. Spetember 7th, 7-9 pm ET

The Central East Region team is excited to announce our monthly Leadership Skill Ups for Changing Times series next year! These are drop-in calls for all congregational leaders where you can learn a new skill - or fine tune an old one - with CER staff and other leaders doing similar work in other congregations. Join us on Thursday, September 7th at 7 pm for our worship service launching the year. Calls alternate monthly between Tuesdays and Thursdays – mark these dates on your calendars and stay tuned for topics as they emerge – and let us know what topics would be helpful to you. All times are 7-9 pm ET.

  • Thursday, September 7, 2023 - Where Is the Ground? A Grounding Worship for A New Year Kicking off our yearlong Leadership Skill Up Series, we begin with a worship experience created just for you, the faithful UU leader. What kind of community are we creating in this time when everything and everyone is new again - forged new out of collective trauma, out of societal shifting, out of emerging needs and hopes for our world. We can find new ground together in ways that you can bring back to your people. Please join us. Led by Central East Region staff.
  • Tuesday, October 3 - Where Do We Get Volunteers? Fun, Meaning, and Connection
  • Thursday, November 9 - Renewing Your Shared Ministry in A Season of Busyness and Rest
  • Tuesday, December 5 - Raising and Protecting Funds for Your Congregation's Mission

Remaining dates: Thursday, February 1st - Tuesday, March 5th - Thursday, April 4th - Tuesday, May 7th.

To find the connection information, please check Opportunities for Connection, or reach out to your primary contact or cer@uua.org and we'll send it to you.