Central Unitarian Church Visits Partner Church in Prague

Jan Hus pulpit

Paramus congregants at Jan Hus Pulpit

Members of Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, NJ visited the Prague Unitarian Congregation in the Czech Republic from May 9 - 15. Members of both congregations hiked to the the Jan Hus pulpit, the rock located in the Benešov region southeast of Prague on which the early church reformer and martyr Jan Hus (1372 – 1415) is believed to have preached. The two congregations held a joint worship service in Prague on Sunday, May 15, led by Rev. David Horst and Rev. Petr Samojský with members of the Prague congregation and choir participating. Church members from Prague visited Paramus last October. If you are interested in learning more about the Partner Church program please visit their website.