Continuing Education Planning for Unitarian Universalist Ministers
Throughout our ministerial lives, these areas will call our attention
and need to be continually developed and balanced:
Finding 1st Call:
Ministerial Identity:
Learning about power and authority:
Co-dependency and system dynamics. Understanding confidentiality.
Learning political savvy.
Understanding the Minister’s role:
Embracing the Faith:
Life care and management:
The Art of Relationships:
Dealing with woundedness:
Ministerial Identity:
Increasing conflict management skills. Renegotiating expectations. The Art of Relationships: same, as above, plus:
Sharing competency:
Multi-staff relationships. Career assessment (@ +10 years). Retirement planning. Managing commitments.
Sabbatical Planning:
Preparing to retire.
Appropriate and clear boundaries with congregations.
- The Worship Arts
- Religious Education
- Pastoral Care/Presence
- Spiritual Practice
- Congregational Life: Interpersonal
- Congregational Life: Organizational
- Public ministry and prophetic witness
- Family relationships
- Anti-oppression, anti-racism, multiculturalism
- Continuing education planning
Although each individual ministerial path is unique, some issues tend to arise at particular points throughout ministerial formation.
Apprenticeship, 0 to 3 years
- Soul Work:
- Ego versus Soul.
- Knowing one’s shadow.
- Knowing one’s light.
- Personal spiritual discipline and worship life.
- Recognizing cultural identity and differences.
- Understanding the ministry sought.
- Packet preparation.
- Candidating skills/requirements.
- Interviewing/negotiating.
- Transition from student to leader.
- Congregational assessment.
- Covenant relationship and/or community minister’s parish relationship.
- Transition into a new community.
- Ordination and installation planning.
- Establishing Committee on Ministry.
- Belonging to UUMA, clergy groups.
- Professional appearance.
- Proper use of role, title, “the Reverend.”
- Dealing with the loss of being one of the folk.
- Finding/assessing mentor relationship.
- Developing continuing education plan.
- Inherent/acquired/invested/delegated.
- Responsible use of power:
- Leadership—responses to and uses of authority
- Role as supervisor to staff/volunteers.
- Knowing the limits to and about the abuse of power.
- Working with congregational/organizational leadership.
- Knowing a congregation’s/organization’s shadow/light.
- Doing social analysis of larger community (race/class/culture/religion).
- Negotiating expectations and ideals
- Assessing performance.
- Being true to one’s call and/or satisfying the “customer.”
- Being a Unitarian Universalist, inwardly and outwardly.
- Being informed by history and tradition.
- Being informed by theology.
- Establishing family expectations and boundaries.
- Health care: physical, emotional, mental, relational.
- Creating friendships beyond work.
- Financial health:
- Debt reduction / student loans.
- Savings.
- Pension and retirement planning.
- Taxes.
- Healthy boundaries.
- Many kinds of love/intimacy.
- Ethics regarding relationships inside and outside settlement.
- Active listening.
- How to use your speech: when to speak, when to stay silent.
- Relational presence.
- Office organization—filing.
- Time management.
Early Career, 3 to 7 years
As above, plus:
- Deepening 1st Call vs. moving to 2nd Call:
- Beyond the honeymoon.
- Negotiating leave-taking.
- Negotiating compensation.
- Sabbatical planning.
- Disenchantment.
- Disillusionment.
- Ego repair after criticism—how not to run away.
- Claiming one’s own voice.
- To be in sustained relationships with communities and cultures other than one’s own.
Early Mid-Career, 7 to 20 years
As above, plus:
- Soul work, as above.
- Finding your special gift.
- Renewal/ keeping oneself fresh.
- Collegial leader.
- Mentor/supervisor.
Later Mid-Career, 20 to 30 years
As above, plus:
- Soul work, as above, plus:
- Aging and mortality issues.
- Meaning issues.
- Despair.
- Cynicism.
- Renewal of hope.
- Generativity vs. Stagnation.
- Moving/expanding out of little ego into larger sense of self.
- Becoming comfortable with ambiguity and paradox.
- Serving as an elder.
- Deepening vision of one’s ministry.
- Career assessment.
- Retirement Planning.
Late Career, 20 to 40+ years
As above, plus:
- Soul work.
- Stock taking.
- Legacy planning.
- Financial planning.
- Life-time planning: what after?
- Letting go of role while keeping identity.
- Rituals of leave-taking.
Post Career
- Soul work:
- Meaningfulness.
- Continuing generativity.
Developed by Rev. Kenn Hurto (2/14/02) with revisions and additions by the Continuing Education Network for Training, Enrichment and Renewal (CENTER), the UUMA Exec. and the UUA Office of Professional Development of the Ministry and Professional Leadership Staff Group. (Edited 4/8/03.)