YA@GA Staff 2020 Introduction
Update 6/15: The YA@GA team has made the decision to step away from running programming at this year's General Assembly. To read more about why, and to understand how you can support them, watch and read about their statement alongside the GA Youth staff (YouTube). There still will be some Young Adult programming offered by UUA staff and other conference presenters. To find out more, visit the main YA@GA webpage.
For a very long time, youth and young adults have led in this faith—led in times of crisis, times of change, times of courage. And in the changing world we are living in, the nature of young adult ministry is changing. This generation is taking young adult worship, community building, and spiritual practice out of the parish and into small groups, the streets, dinner tables, music halls, campuses, and homes in order to address the spiritual needs we have in the world we have been given. We are fighting some of the hardest fights of our time: combating climate change and dismantling white supremacy. And the urgency on our backs brings us into community with the mandate to vision different ways of constructing our ministries to nourish us for these fights. It is with this knowledge that we build our programming for this year's virtual GA in faith, in transformation, in revolution.
With that, meet your 2020 Young Adults at General Assembly Staff!

Sean Page (he/him)
Sean serves as the Senior Co-Facilitator for the 2020 YA@GA staff. A lifelong UU who identifies as a black and queer world citizen, Sean has served on several multigenerational UU committees, led youth cons, facilitated young adult workshops, participated in social justice resistance movements, and mentored other youth and young adult leaders for 10+ years. Outside of the UU world, Sean serves as a Recruiter remotely for a San Francisco-based tech start-up. He currently is a digital nomad, so he splits his time between the east and west coasts of the US - and will soon live internationally.

Martha Durkee Neuman (she/her)
Martha Durkee-Neuman serves as the Junior Co-Facilitator for the 2020 YA@GA staff. Originally from Washington State, currently living in Boston MA, Martha is a lifelong UU and community organizer. Her background is in social justice activism, training and facilitation, leadership development, and youth chaplaincy. She currently serves as the Director of Religious Education at First Parish Universalist in Malden, as the Campaigns Organizer for Mass Alliance training grassroots candidates to run for public office, and as the Legislative Co-Director for the EveryVoice Coalition working to pass statewide Title IX legislative protections in Massachusetts.

Mya Wade-Harper (she/her)
Mya Wade-Harper serves as the Thrive at General Assembly Coordinator for YA @ GA and is thrilled to be part of this journey. A lifetime UU, Mya is currently a member at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington Kentucky where she recently helped her congregation adopt the 8th Principle. She has gone to the Congregational Spiritual Direction Retreat and is serving on the staff at Youth Midwest Leadership School in the summer of 2020. Mya cares deeply for justice and recognition for Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and is always excited to share that passion. She is currently at Bluegrass and Technical Community College working on a AA that will be the first step toward completing a BS in African American Studies.

Abiy Williams (she/her)
Abiy Williams serves as the Spirituality & Worship Coordinator for the 2020 YA@GA. As a born and raised Oregonian, Abiy courageously loves through UU values to change her communities. She has led Youth & Young Adult Cons and Goldmines, is a Summer Seminary Alumni, and has led many workshops throughout her years. This year she will be graduating from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor's in Family & Human Services with a focus of Restorative & Juvenile Justice. If Abiy could choose a super-power to have, it would be the ability to put an honest and authentic smile on everyone's face.

Karoline Moore (she/her)
Karoline serves as the Community Outreach Coordinator for the 2020 YA@GA committee. In 2020, Karoline earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Interdisciplinary Studies (focused in Geography and Political Sciences), and is passionate about the intersection of social and climate justice, especially with regards to sustainability, institutional classism, and Indigenous rights. A lifelong UU born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Karoline has served in Youth and Young Adult ministry across Canada and the United States, including CanUUdle, the UU-United Nations Office Intergenerational Spring Seminar, and as EA Dean for the PWR's 2020 Metamorphosis Youth Leadership School. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, trying new foods, and playing in an ultimate frisbee summer beer league with friends.

Stevie Carmody (he/him)
Stevie serves as the Emerging Adult Ministry Associate for the Office of Lifespan Faith Engagement at the UUA, meaning he works to support, connect, and resource 18–24 year old Unitarian Universalists and those who love and minister to them. One of his favorite parts of that role is supporting the YA@GA staff team! When Stevie is not doing ministry things, he's running really slowly, or singing Sacred Harp, or attempting overly complicated recipes to variable results and big messes in the kitchen.