Thirty Days of Love, Day 5: Inspire Others

By Ted Resnikoff

Date: January 20 – Share Something About Yourself to Inspire Others. Staff Member: Communications Technology Associate Ted Resnikoff Description: "Coming Out” about our own struggles and challenges is an act of Courageous Love. Consider the broader definition of “coming out.” By sharing our vulnerabilities and our authentic selves—whether or not what we are disclosing is identity-based—we can help others on their own path. Sharing something personal to help others is so brave, and receiving that story is a special gift. To do: Today, share something that might help or inspire others.


People around here know me as a good listener and optimistic problem solver who refuses to be brought down by the downside of a situation or the bad side of another person. But my optimistic demeanor is not simply the luck of who I am, it is the result of the determination I made some years ago when I allowed faith – the belief or confidence in something larger than oneself – to enter my life. In my case it took devastating loss to seek faith, thus opening my eyes to a deeper truth of existence: we are here to be happy together. Without devotion to nurturing happiness – my own and others' – surviving the daily challenges and hurts of life is overwhelming. After a lifetime of believing that by "giving in" to faith I was giving up my "self" I came to understand that lack of faith had not only kept me from being the person I aspired to be, it had turned me into somebody I did not like and did not want to be. I began my twice-a-day practice of Nichiren Buddhism three years ago. This Buddhism taught me that the perceived imperfections of my present, past, and future are the perfect reflection of the love within me, inspiring me to live to my highest principles and ideals and showing me the way to become a bodhisattva of the earth. My belief that the present moment – flawed and imperfect though it is – is the best of all moments because it is now, is a benefit of the faith that I cultivate daily. It is at times a "mental tongue-twister" to hold onto this awareness, and I often feel defeated (certainly more often than the people in my life would believe), but it is at these times that I turn to my faith and it reminds me that feeling defeated is an opportunity for happiness waiting to be made, and so I try. I rarely achieve this state of being, but how can one not feel optimistic knowing that the suffering and joys of life exist for us to become the best of ourselves? I could not possibly be the positive, supportive person my colleagues, friends and family know me to be if it were not for faith. I encourage you to live to the best of yourself through your faith! Warmly, Ted. Don't get me wrong –