Blink, Don't Miss It

By Ted Resnikoff


Goody Clancy, the architects selected for the design of the new headquarters offices of the Unitarian Universalist Association at 24 Farnsworth Street in Boston, have created a "blink exercise" to help inform what the interior to look and feel like. Every Unitarian Universalist is invited to participate in the exercise. – Ed.

What do you see in our future?

Goody Clancy designed the “blink” exercise to help gather information on how we want our new headquarters space to look and feel. Would you like it to feel more warehouse-like and industrial, or should it appear more corporate? What should worship space look and feel like? What should the heritage center convey about the principles, values and history of Unitarian Universalism? The “blink” exercise is designed to be quick. What is your immediate, gut reaction? What is your instinctual response to each of the photographs presented? Do you love it or do you hate it? Or do you fall somewhere in between? There is space in the survey for comments should you feel inclined. (Your comments are welcomed – our architects have commented on our articulate nature!) Do you imagine staff at a sleek, modern workstation or at a more traditional one? Would you prefer rougher, more natural materials or should they be more refined? Do you favor neutral colors, bold swaths of color, or a more neutral palette with pops of color here and there? How should we organize areas for collaboration and areas for reflection or other sensitve work? Note that none of the images are actual choices. They’re meant to represent and suggest ideas, concepts, colors, shapes, and moods. Have fun! Don’t over-analyze. Imagine... Take the Goody Clancy Blink Exercise survey here.