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Displaying 41 - 60 of 543

  • BECAUSE Unitarian Universalists (UUs) believe in the “inherent worth and dignity of every person,” and in the “use of the democratic process” in society at large; WHEREAS the U.S. Supreme Court decision of January 21, 2010, in Citizens United v. FEC enshrined corporations as persons and...
    2011 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Corporate Responsibility, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Economic Justice, Election Reform
  • BECAUSE our Unitarian Universalist Principles affirm “the inherent worth and dignity of every person” and call for “justice, equity and compassion in human relations” and BECAUSE our denomination has a long history of opposing racism and sexism; WHEREAS full-time supermarket workers in...
    2011 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Corporate Responsibility, Gender Justice, Economic Justice, Racial Justice
  • BECAUSE Unitarian Universalist Principles affirm the goal of a just community, representing unity in our multiracial world; WHEREAS the hearings of Rep. Peter King, the Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, which profess to present the “radicalization” of the Muslim community, have...
    2011 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Church & State, International Human Rights & Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Religious Pluralism, Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries, Racial Justice
  • In response to Moderator Gini Courter’s report: Whereas, the assembled delegates of the 2010 General Assembly (GA) passed business and responsive resolutions acknowledging the importance of engaging and empowering youth and young adults to bring their unique gifts to the planned Justice General...
    2011 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, International Human Rights & Justice, Children & Youth Reproductive Justice, Immigration
  • Rev. Dr. Michael Tino, UU Fellowship of Northern Westchester, Mount Kisco, NY John Hawkins, UUA Trustee, Metro New York District David Friedman, UUA Trustee, St....
    2011 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, LGBTQ Issues, Marriage Equality, LGBTQ Welcome & Equality
  • WHEREAS President Peter Morales’s Annual Report referred to communities with a “spiritual hunger” that can be fed by Unitarian Universalism, he referred to the need for multicultural competence in serving these communities, and he cited the Strategic Review of Professional Ministries, which...
    2011 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles
  • Aware of our interdependence, we acknowledge that eating ethically requires us to be mindful of the miracle of life we share with all beings....
    2011 | Statement of Conscience
    Tagged as: Agriculture in Environmental Justice, Climate & Environmental Justice, Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • This resolution is in response to the Board of Trustee’s statement in its report that they are “eager to further efforts to empower young generations of UU [Unitarian Universalist] leaders.” It is based on: the tireless past work of youth and young adult leaders at our GAs [General...
    2010 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Children & Youth Reproductive Justice
  • BE IT RESOLVED that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board of Trustees investigate how we might develop a covenant of right relationships for all of our work together, and report back to this General Assembly next year....
    2010 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Racial Justice
  • WHEREAS the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board Report on the Business Resolution on Phoenix General Assembly 2012 calls for a gathering of Unitarian Universalists for the "purposes of witnessing on immigration, racial, and economic justice—a 'Justice' General Assembly," THEREFORE BE I...
    2010 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Immigration, Racial Justice
  • WHEREAS the Moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations endorsed and advocated supporting full equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, which constituted a substantive portion of her report to the Assembly, and by her social witness action of...
    2010 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: LGBTQ Welcome & Equality
  • BECAUSE Unitarian Universalist Principles affirm the interdependent web of existence, as well as the democratic process; and WHEREAS the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico illustrates the tragic cost of fossil fuel energy, the recklessness of corporations that allow the public t...
    2010 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Climate & Environmental Justice, Energy Justice
  • Because of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, thirteen parishes (counties) in Louisiana and two counties in Mississippi continue to work towards recovery from the devastating impact of the storms; and BECAUSE our Unitarian Universalist commitment to justice is rooted in compassion, fairness, and respec...
    2010 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Climate & Environmental Justice
  • “What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”—Henry Thoreau, 1854 WHEREAS the Unitarian Universalist Association will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary at the 2011 General Assembly, which is scheduled for Charlotte, North Carolina; and NOTING the...
    2010 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Climate & Environmental Justice
  • WHEREAS the state of Arizona has recently enacted a law—SB 1070—that runs counter to our first Principle, affirming the worth and dignity of every person; and WHEREAS the Association stands in solidarity with allies mobilizing in love against this divisive and oppressive legislation; and WHEREAS...
    2010 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Solidarity in Immigration Justice, Immigration, General Assembly
  • We believe all people share a moral responsibility to create peace. Mindful of both our rich heritage and our past failures to prevent war, and enriched by our present diversity of experience and perspective, we commit ourselves to a radically inclusive and transformative approach to peace. Our...
    2010 | Statement of Conscience
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • BECAUSE our Unitarian Universalist Principles affirm and promote: the inherent worth and dignity of every person: justice, equity and compassion in human relations; and the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and BECAUSE we welcome the stranger and we recognize our...
    2010 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, Immigration
  • In response to the changes to Article II reported by the Commission on Appraisal and subsequent discussion of those recommendations at this General Assembly, the delegates request that the UUA [Unitarian Universalist Association] Board of Trustees place a motion to substitute the recommended...
    2009 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Due Process & Civil Liberties
  • The 2009 General Assembly of the UUA [Unitarian Universalist Association] strongly urges the UUA Board of Trustees to facilitate a continuation and further deepening of the discussion of the Principles and Purposes begun by the review conducted by the UUA Commission on Appraisal, and that such...
    2009 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Due Process & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS the Commission on Appraisal submitted a proposal to amend Article II after a period of study and review as allowed by Article XV section C-15.1.(c)(4), a process begun in 2006, while Article XV C-15.1. (c)(3) prevents such a proposal from being amended, and WHEREAS there was an apparent...
    2009 | Responsive Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Due Process & Civil Liberties