Love is a Choice

A Black father lying on his back smiles lovingly at his child, who gazes back happily.

We are not automatic lovers of self, others, world, or God. Love does not just happen. We are not love machines, puppets on the strings of a deity called “love.” Love is a choice—not simply, or necessarily, a rational choice, but rather a willingness to be present to others without pretense or guile. Love is a conversion to humanity—a willingness to participate with others in the healing of a broken world and broken lives. Love is the choice to experience life as a member of the human family, a partner in the dance of life, rather than as an alien in the world or as a deity above the world, aloof and apart from human flesh.

from We Pledge Our Hearts: A Treasury of Poems, Quotations and Readings to Celebrate Love and Marriage (2006)