We are people of all ages

We are people of all ages who enter this space bringing our joys and our concerns.
We come together in hope.

We greet each other warmly with our voices and our smiles.
We come together in peace.

We light the chalice to symbolize our interdependence and our unity.
We come together in harmony.

We share our growth and our aspirations.
We come together in wonder.

We share our losses and our disappointments.
We come together in sorrow.

We share our concern and our compassion.
We come together in love.

We come to this place bringing our doubts and our faith.
We come together as seekers.

We sing and pray and listen. We speak and read and dream. We think and ponder and reflect. We cry and laugh and center. We mourn and celebrate and meditate. We strive for justice and for mercy.
We come together in worship.