Children Widen the Circle of Our Being in Ways That Are Limitless

A speckled egg and leaves inside of a bird's nest

Children widen the circle of our being in ways that are limitless.
Every baby that’s born connects us to our history, our own parents, grandparents and unknown forbears who brought new life to the world in each successive generation.
Every baby that’s born links us to the future, to a world yet to come that belongs to our descendants and that we hold in trust for our posterity whom we will never know.
Each child connects us to nature, to the innocence and exuberance of a world always hatching newborns: kittens and pups and lambs and babes.
Each child reminds us of the kinship we share with people of other lands and races who love their young as purely and tenderly as we do.
Each child connects us to the universe, to the holy mysteries of birth and death and becoming from which we all emerge.
Children widen the circle of our being in ways that are limitless.