For We Are in Need

Holy spirit,
We feel you moving among us here.
Bless us with your presence.

For we are in need…
…in need of strength and courage.
Our road is filled with rocks, with boulders strewn,
boulders so high we sometimes wonder whether we can climb them,

We are in need…
…in need of comfort and encouragement.
We long for a cooling hand upon the forehead,
your still voice whispering in our hearts, "It's all right now…"

We are in need…
…in need of cheerleading.
When we see what is to be done for others, for our lovely earth, for those we love,
we would hear your voice shouting at us to get moving.

As we sit here in this lovely, loving room,
let us realize that this Spirit of encouragement, comfort and love,
is within ourselves, within this congregation.
WE are the instruments of the Good that abounds.

May we feel the Spirit and carry it with us all our days.
Let us now in the Holy Quiet listen for the voice of love within our hearts.
