Christmas Eve Prayer

Please join me in the spirit of prayer followed by a full minute of meditative silence
Gods and Goddesses of darkness and light, Spirit of life and love:
We come together on this sacred night to awaken ourselves
to the joy of Christmas
To the miracles of life
The birth of a baby
The rise of the sun once more
The magic of this earth, of Mother Nature herself
The love of one another
This Christmas myth calls us to remember
To remember that the ordinary can become extraordinary
To remember that any child, our own children,
can become great prophets,
teachers, leaders of nations,
saviors even, not of souls but of lives,
working to end the ills and suffering in our world
“So the challenging thing becomes
Not to look for miracles, but finding where there isn’t one”*
This is our prayer

We give thanks for our many blessings
We are reminded this night to share our blessings
with as many people as possible,
To consider that even the smallest gift,
the smallest effort can make a difference in someone’s life,
in the world
For this is the season of giving
This Christmas Myth reminds us that the tradition of giving gifts
symbolizes divinity
When we give we honor the divine in each other,
We acknowledge the common link among us all,
The common ancestral blood we all share
The blood that is meant to unite us once and for all
This is our prayer

We pray for peace, that war may end
We pray for food, that none may go hungry
We pray for forgiveness, that our world may begin to heal
We pray for dignity and worth,
respect and love,
liberty, justice and equality for all

But this prayer alone is insufficient
We pray knowing that this prayer holds the thought
in the forefront of our mind
This prayer focuses our energy on the needs of the world
But we know that this prayer also requires action
and with this very prayer we resolve to act
To seize the moment
To seize our own power

This Christmas myth reminds us
That this moment is precious
This moment is holy
This moment is powerful
This moment is love
This moment is full of hope and possibility
This moment is all we need
This is our Christmas prayer
On this silent and holy night, Amen.

*Quoted line from Holy Now by Peter Mayer, whose song served as inspiration for this prayer.