A Place to Forgive and to Be Forgiven

For those we have hurt in any way, whether through words or deed or thoughts.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For the excuses we have made, just to be right.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For the blame we have placed on someone else, again and again.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For passing up the opportunity to help because we were afraid.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For hiding the truth from someone.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For working beyond the anger and resentment.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For the times I have not felt heard.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

Forgiveness is never easy, whether for yourself or someone else.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

An African-American person bows their head, bare shoulders visible, holding both hands open with palms up.
A white dinner plate is criss-crossed by seams of molten gold, in the tradition of kintsugi