Twenty-six stories from the first five years of uu & me, the kids' magazine published by the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF)
Product Code: 8204
ISBN: 9781558964556
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Pages: 136
Size: 9 x 8.5
Published Date: 06/01/2003
Availability:In stock
Price: $14.00
Twenty-six stories from the first five years of uu & me, the kids' magazine published by the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF). Fact and fiction, historical and modern, mythical and real-life, these stories have the power to spark imagination and stimulate reflection on how our faith informs our real lives. Includes biographical sketches of historical figures significant within Unitarianism and Universalism, and a selection of stories about Raychel and Tony, the two fictional Unitarian Universalist kids who appear regularly in uu & me, sharing UU Principles in action. Williams was CLF director of religious education for more than 10 years. For home and church school settings.
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Our Faith Heritage

The Healing Cup: The Story of the Flaming Chalice by Noreen Kimball

The Minister Who Was a Scientist: Joseph Priestley’s Search for Truth by Betsy Hill Williams

The Preacher, the Farmer, and the Little Church That Waited: The Life of John Murray by Charlene Brotman, Ann Fields, and Barbara Marshman

Meet Thomas Potter: The Man Who Built His Own Universalist Church by Betsy Hill Williams

One Fine Day: The Story of the First Universalist Sermon in America by Noreen Kimball

Angel of the Battlefield: Clara Barton and the American Red Cross by Betsy Hill Williams

Faith Is the Gift of God: How King John Sigismund Brought Peace to Transylvania by Heather B. McDonald

Partners in Transylvania: Unitarian Universalist Churches Connect Across an Ocean by Betsy Hill Williams

Here They Come! A Visit to Transylvania by Judith C. Campbell

Tales of Yesterday and Today The Water Bearer’s Garden by Anonymous

The Floating Bridge of Heaven by Sophia Lyon Fahs and Dorothy T. Spoerl

Beautiful Hands by Barb Pitman

The Buddy Thing by Betsy Hill Williams

Don’t Smash Santa by Valerie White

A Pretty Good Day After All by Kenneth Sawyer

Raychel and Tony by Judith C. Campbell

Courage to Create

Free to Believe

One of Us

Starting Over

All You Had to Do Was Ask

The Quilt That Love Built

Truth or Consequences

Two for One Summer

An Almost Awful Holiday

The Coat That Came for Christmas

The Christmas Without Gram

About the Contributors

What do readers say about uu&me?

"The latest issue of uu&me started a good conversation with the boys about how religions that look the same from the outside can really exclude each other from the inside."

—K. Stidman, Olympia, Washington

"I've been trying to help my congregation involve children in social action and this will be a wonderful teaching tool."

—D. Laine, Palo Alto, California

"As the children's program leader for our fellowship, I use uu&me from cover to cover. My 12-year-old Jenny really enjoys it too."

—K. Fothergill, Twin Falls, Idaho

"My 8-year-old just got her first and she has all but slept with it! She hauls it in the car, to school, and has read the articles aloud to both her mother and me."

—R. Coffee, Miller, South Dakota

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