Books on Giving and Generosity for Parents and Religious Educators

  • Bjorhovde, Patricia O., Editor, Creating Tomorrow’s Philanthropists: Curriculum Development for Youth, New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising, Number 36, Summer 2002, sponsored by The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Jossey-Bass.
  • Edelman, Marian Wright, The Measure of Our Success, 1992, Beacon Press, Boston. Harper Collins (paperback).
    A mother’s message to her sons and other people’s children in the form of twenty-five lessons for life as moral, caring individuals. This is also good reading for teen youth and young adults.
  • Heiss, Renee, Helping Kids Help, 2007, Zephyr Press.
    This book provides adult mentors with ideas for helping children and youth organize successful charitable projects, to evaluate which charities to support, team-building, and real stories.
  • Price, Susan Crites, The Giving Family: Raising Our Children to Help Others, 2005, Council on Foundations.
    This book offers dozens of simple family activities to engage children of any age in learning the value of giving their time, talents and money to people and causes they care about.
  • Roehlkepartain, Eugene C., Naftali, Elanah Dalyah, and Musegades, Laura, Growing Up Generous: Engaging Youth in Giving and Serving, 2000, Alban Institute.
    This book provides the principles and practices to help youth develop generosity and service to others as ways of life.
  • Weisman, Carol, Raising Charitable Children, 2006, F. E. Robbins & Sons Press.
    An easy-to-read practical guide for parents seeking to introduce their children to charitable giving and volunteering.

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