Selective Service System 1969 General Resolution

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1969 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges that the President and Congress take immediate steps to abolish the Selective Service System and establish a volunteer military service with the financial, educational, and professional incentives necessary to attract personnel. We do not believe that military service should be interpreted as annulling such constitutionally guaranteed rights as freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and the right to petition for redress of grievance; and

WHEREAS, such actions as the court martials and administrative harassment of the eight organizers of GIs United Against the War in Vietnam at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the pending court martial of Pvt. Joe Miles, organizer of the Fort Bragg GIs United, and the punishments meted out to the Presidio 27 are in contradiction to the First Amendment to the US Constitution;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the 1969 UUA General Assembly calls upon the President of the United States to grant amnesty to all servicemen and women who have been victimized for exercising their rights of free speech, assembly, association, etc.; that the 1969 UUA General Assembly urges the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff publicly to affirm Adjutant General Wickham's letter of May 28, 1968, instructing all commanding Generals that "the question of soldier's dissent is linked with the constitutional right of free speech" and to make copies of this statement of GI liberties available to all military personnel in order that they may have knowledge of their rights.