Celebrating 10 Years of YMWLS

Youth MidWest Leadership School 2017

This summer will be the 10th year of the Youth MidWest Leadership School, and we are very proud of the amazing youth and adults who have participated and served on our staff.

The MidAmerica Region continues to distinguish itself with having the adult and youth school run alongside each other. This summer we will be deepening the connection of adults and youth in a week-long multigenerational small group worship experience. Rev. Phil Lund, myself, Colleen Lee, and Nyana Harper will be serving as spiritual directors for the schools and will be shepherding small groups from both schools to go deeper with group spiritual practices and worship.

Also, the youth school provides an amazing environmental immersion experience and a ropes course (for all levels of ability) – both half-day experiences!

Both the youth and adult Midwest Leadership Schools are week-long intensive experiences designed to engage participants in all aspects of leadership in a Unitarian Universalist faith community. This is an intentional community and learning experience. It equips UUs with a foundation that deepens their religious development and expands their ability to contribute, both in their Unitarian Universalist community and beyond.

The school is held July 14-20, 2019, on Luther College campus in Decorah, IA. For more information, www.mwls.org

Hope your congregation sends a team of adults and youth!

Looking forward to our engagement,

Nancy Combs-Morgan