Consultations on Youth and Young Adult Ministry 2008 Responsive Resolution

Whereas the Consultation on Ministry To and With Youth has presented a positive report with regard to the future of youth ministry throughout the [Unitarian Universalist] Association, and

Whereas the 2008 General Assembly has expressed its support for youth and young adult ministry through passage of the “Youth and Young Adult Empowerment Resolution” Business Resolution;

AND WHEREAS using grassroots, bottom-up processes involving stakeholders, accountability and collaborative consultation such as Future Search, Open Space and/or Appreciative Inquiry and consultative process could engage the Association in young adult ministries, led by young adults and their allies;

Therefore be it resolved that the 2008 General Assembly endorses and voices its support for the continued work of the Consultation on Ministry To and With Youth, and

Be it further resolved that the 2008 General Assembly encourages the Unitarian Universalist Association to consider initiating a consultation with regard to young adult ministries.