Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: A Place of Wholeness: A Program for Youth Exploring Their Own Unitarian Universalist Faith Journeys

Alternate Activity 2: Spiritual Practices

Activity time: 35 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers and tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Identify members of the congregation with different spiritual practices. The spiritual practice could be traditional, like meditation or prayer, or something less formal like running, hiking, or wood carving.
  • Invite the presenters to talk about their spiritual practices and share them with participants. Explain that they will have about 15 minutes to share the practice, which will serve as an introduction. Ask them to bring informational materials to give participants if they want to learn more.
  • Ask presenters if they need any materials, and gather them ahead of time.
  • Arrange for adequate space so that each presenter can share their spiritual practice at the same time and not be in each other's way.
  • If you have two or more presenters and want all participants to experience each one, you will need to add an additional 30 minutes or more to the activity.

Description of Activity

Participants experience a spiritual practice and get to know a member of their congregation in a deeper way.

Explain that some members of the congregation are joining the workshop today to share their spiritual practice.

Begin with introductions of the participants. Then ask the presenters to introduce themselves, including how long they have been part of the congregation. Have presenters share briefly why (not how) they participate in their spiritual practice.

Then, divide participants into small groups to meet with a presenter for about 15 minutes to teach about their spiritual practice.

After 15 minutes, bring the groups back together. Acknowledge that 15 minutes is only enough time for a taste of the spiritual practice that can be a lifetime's work. Invite a participant from each small group to briefly describe what they learned. When all of the small groups have shared, ask the presenters these questions:

  • What is the hardest part of having a regular spiritual practice?
  • What is most rewarding?
  • How is your spiritual practice connected to your life in the congregation?

Close by thanking the presenters and pointing out the materials the presenters have brought for participants to experience each of the spiritual practices more deeply.

Including All Participants

Some spiritual practices will not be possible for all participants. Be aware of the different abilities in the group and plan to have at least one spiritual practice accessible to everyone.