Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: A Place of Wholeness: A Program for Youth Exploring Their Own Unitarian Universalist Faith Journeys

Alternate Activity 1: Hymn Singing as a Spiritual Practice

Activity time: 45 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Copies of Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey for all participants
  • A copy of Between the Lines
  • Musical accompaniment

Preparation for Activity

  • Invite the music director, organist, or member of the choir to this workshop. In preparation, ask them to think about which hymns are most often sung in the congregation and why they think these songs are so popular. Ask them to think about their own music ministry so they can share with the group.

Description of Activity

Participants explore how the singing of hymns can be a spiritual practice.

Explain that the group will explore how music, specifically hymn singing, can be a spiritual practice. Introduce the guest you have invited and ask them to share their experience with music at the church and why they got involved. Have participants introduce themselves to the guest as well.

Ask your guest to share what the top two or three hymns are in the congregation and why they think they are sung so often. Invite the group to sing those hymns.

Then, ask participants to name their favorites. Sing three or four of those hymns as a group.

Lead a discussion with the following questions:

  • What role do you think music and hymn singing play in the spiritual life of the congregation and of individual members of the community?
  • What role does music and hymn singing play in your spiritual life?

After 10 to 15 minutes of discussion, ask the guest to name ways that the youth might be involved in the music ministry of the congregation.