Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: A Chorus of Faiths: A Program That Builds Interfaith Youth Leaders

Activity 3: Mural

Activity time: 30 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • A roll of mural paper, 4 feet wide and 12 feet long
  • Magazines with illustrations of people from different faith traditions
  • Photographs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia from the interfaith service event
  • Construction paper, scissors, tape or glue, and color markers
  • Optional: Music and music player

Preparation for Activity

  • Find periodicals that can be cut up, with photographs of people from different religions. You can also search for photos online to print and use.
  • Consult with decision-makers in the congregation to locate the ideal spot to display the mural.
  • Write on the newsprint, and post:
    • Why is our story of interfaith cooperation important to the wider community?
    • What is the connection between our story and the history of Unitarian Universalism and interfaith work?
    • What is your connection to the story?
  • Post a blank sheet of newsprint.
  • Optional: If you will play music, set up and check equipment.

Description of Activity

Participants create a mural about the interfaith service event to display in the congregation.

Say, in your own words:

A mural is a way to tell a story with few words, or without any words at all. We are going to create a mural to tell the story about our interfaith event. As you think about the story you want to tell with the mural, reflect on these questions:

Why is this story of interfaith cooperation important to the wider community?

What is the connection between our story and the history of Unitarian Universalism and interfaith work?

What is your connection to the story?

Have participants brainstorm what to include in the mural. Write their ideas on newsprint. After five minutes, instruct them to begin work on the mural.

Leave time to display the mural. Solicit everyone to help clean up.