Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Heeding the Call: A Program on Justicemaking for Junior High School Youth

Activity 3: Joy to the World Mural

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Find space to roll out a large sheet of paper. Make sure the surface under and around the paper is protected with newspaper.

Description of Activity

Youth are encouraged to think about the universal language of joy and laughter.

Invite youth to take a moment to think about what they shared during the chalice lighting as something that brings them joy. Encourage them to consider how youth and children around the world also find joy in similar experiences such as spending time with friends or family, or playing sports or musical instruments.

Have participants form small groups. Give each participant a copy of Handout 1, Words of Joy. Remind them of the graffiti that Sarah mentioned in her journal entry. Explain that art can be a universal way of sharing emotions, including joy. Invite them to create a Joy to the World Mural that includes the English word "Joy" as well as the translations listed on the handout spread throughout their mural. Invite them to use drawings to depict activities that bring them joy and that they imagine bring joy to children and youth around the world. After every group is finished, invite participants to talk about their contributions to the mural and then reflections on the finished product.

Including All Participants

Make sure the paper is accessible to everyone.