Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Circle of Trees: A Multigenerational Program about Nourishing Deep Connections with Nature

Taking It Home: Trees: From Peril to Progress

Part of Circle of Trees

I think that I shall never see

A billboard lovely as a tree.

Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,

I'll never see a tree at all. —Ogden Nash, American poet, "Song of the Open Road" (1933)

IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP ... we viewed a visual essay by Franke James called "What Can One Person Do?" We brainstormed ways that we can address climate change at home, in our congregation, at work or school, and in the wider community and came up with a plan for sharing our ideas.

HOMEWORK: Begin implementing the action plan right away. Keep a journal of actions you have taken.

MAKE TIME FOR TREES: There are several ways to take today's workshop home, for example:

  • Share your thoughts and feeling about today's workshop and the Circle of Trees program with family members, housemates, or co-workers.
  • Try to spend time outside each day, paying special attention to the trees near where you live.
  • Create your own visual essay to share with family, friends, and the whole world!
  • View more visual essays by Franke James.
  • Think of more ways that you can engage with people and trees with respect.

EXTEND THE TOPIC: Explore some of the many wonderful books about trees found in Workshop 1, Handout 2, Selected Bibliography.