Tapestry of Faith: Circle of Trees: A Multigenerational Program about Nourishing Deep Connections with Nature

Activity 3: Story - Trout Are Made of Trees

Part of Circle of Trees

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read the story a few times so you will be comfortable delivering it.
  • Review the discussion questions in the activity, and add some of your own if desired.

Description of Activity

Invite the participants to make themselves comfortable and ready to listen to the story. Read "Trout Are Made of Trees" aloud.

Engage participants in discussing the story by posing questions such as these:

  • How did the story make you feel at the end?
  • Were you surprised at the ways that trees "feed" trout?
  • Do you know of any other ways that trees help insects or wildlife not mentioned in the story?
  • What are some ways that trees help or benefit other plants?


If time allows, read it through a second time, inviting participants to join in by creating sound effects.

Including All Participants

If any participants have hearing limitations, consider using a hand-held microphone.