Tapestry of Faith: World of Wonder: A Program on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism for Grades K-1

Activity 3: Creative Nests

Part of World of Wonder

Activity time: 25 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Cardboard boxes large enough for making a child-sized "nest"
  • Recycled items and art supplies for decorating nests, such as glitter glue, ribbons, markers, wallpaper scraps, construction paper, beads and string, pipe cleaners, stick-on gems, and scissors (including left-handed scissors), glue, tape, and glue sticks
  • Natural items for decoration, such as stones, shells, colorful leaves, and small sticks
  • Optional: Blankets or towels from home

Preparation for Activity

  • Find a large, open area where children can make "nests," outdoors if possible. If space and/or cardboard boxes present a problem, consider using Alternate Activity 3, Creative "Ish" Exploration, instead.

Description of Activity

Children experience their own creativity by making nests using a variety of supplies. As they note the differences among the nests their peers make, they see how creativity can be expressed in many ways.

Gather the children in a large, open space and show them the materials you have gathered for nest making. Explain that they will create their own nests using their imaginations and the available materials (and a blanket or towel from home, if they have brought one). Tell them they may use any of the materials they want in any way they want and may take their nest home with them.

Allow the children to create the nests undisturbed for approximately 15 minutes. Then, gather in a group. Have each child in turn share the "nest" they have created. With each nest, invite everyone in the group to notice features that are interesting, unique, or especially creative. Instruct participants to only share positive comments.

When you are done, gather in a circle and process the activity with questions such as:

  • I wonder how you felt when you were creating your nests.
  • I wonder what you noticed about all of the different nests we made.
  • I wonder how bowerbirds feel when they are creating their nests.
  • I wonder how creativity is important in the web of life.
  • I wonder if there is anything about creativity that gives you a feeling of awe.