Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Faithful Journeys: A Program about Pilgrimages of Faith in Action for Grades 2-3

Activity 3: Celebrating the Journey

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Faithful Journeys Path
  • A copy of Session 1, Handout 1, or posters of the Unitarian Universalist Principles in both adult and children's language
  • Pictures of the protagonists in all stories the group has heard in Faithful Journeys
  • Snacks, and serving and clean-up items
  • Optional: Instructions for one or more Move It! games from previous sessions

Preparation for Activity

  • Review the Faithful Footprints and Making Tracks wheelchairs the group posted during the program. Detach from the Faithful Journeys Path or make notes about some that illustrate a particular session theme or Principle.
  • Make a list of all the stories this group has heard in Faithful Journeys. Note the protagonists and the Principles illustrated.
  • If you have not kept copies, reprint pictures that represent the stories (see each session's Leader Resources).

Description of Activity

Gather the children and say:

Since this is our last time in Faithful Journeys, we will have a special celebration. One of the most important parts of a party is the guests. You will have a special guest (or guests) who have shared their stories of faithful action with you. But we can also, in our imaginations, invite all the people whose stories we have learned before.

Help children recall the protagonists of stories the group has heard. Show pictures in the order in which they were originally introduced, and remind children of the "guests" from that story who can join the party in everyone's imagination.

Ask the children to try to recall the Unitarian Universalist Principle each person's story illustrated. Use the list of stories and a handout or poster of the Principles to fill in information the children may not remember. You might give hints: "This person liked to get muddy." As each guest is identified, set their picture down at a large table to join the party. You may wish to make, or have children make, drawings of the snack you are eating to "feed" to your imaginary guests.

As snack time ends, bring out the Faithful Footprints you have posted during the course of the program. Explain to the children that they, like your historical guests, have taken many actions that express Unitarian Universalist Principles. Read aloud some of the Faithful Footprints and try to identify which Principles the actions might express. Place these footprints next to the pictures of the historical figures who represent those Principles. Conclude by saying something like:

We belong to a stream of living souls who have worked for goodness and justice across the centuries. Our lives connect to those who have lived before us. May we be good role models for those who come after us.

Engage children in cleaning up the snack. If you have time, play one or more "Move It!" games from previous sessions.


If you plan to have a parade during the Closing, engage children to help you choose items from the Faithful Journeys Path to take along. Children might carry a signpost or one or more Faithful Footprints or Making Tracks for Faith wheelchairs with acts written on them. Some might carry pictures from stories from our faith heritage and contemporary congregations that the group has heard during the program.

Including All Participants

Check about food allergies and restrictions before purchasing party snacks.