Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Amazing Grace: A Program about Exploring Right and Wrong for Grade 6

Taking It Home: Look At Me, World

Part of Amazing Grace

Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.

— Baltasar Graci

IN TODAY’S SESSION… Today was the last session of Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong. We did Ethics Play, and we talked about what kind of values virtuous people have. We heard the story of Narcissus and thought about how much self-respect a person should have. We talked about how the members and friends of our congregation share their values and respect. We answered some wall-to-wall questions, and for Faith in Action, we wrote an ethics covenant. We completed a feedback form on the program.


  • The Ethics Play situation done by your Amazing Grace group. Does the family agree with what the Star decided?
  • What some of your family values are. Are they different from the values of some other people you know? Did the families your parents or caregivers grew up in share the same values?
  • Shared values. What is one of the values the members of your family share with the congregation?


  • Building everybody’s self-esteem. Let each family member tell other members why they should feel good about themselves.
  • Making a family doodle. Let everybody contribute to a drawing that represents your family. Could you use it as a mark to leave whenever your family goes somewhere and does something good?
  • Making up a story of how a flower got its name. It might be a flower in your house, one you grow in the garden or just any flower at all.


Today you gave feedback on the program, but you might have more personal feelings that you did not get an opportunity to share. Use this time to reflect upon the experience of doing this program with your group. Did you make new friends? Did the program answer any questions you had? Did it raise new questions? How will you go about getting answers to new questions?


Talk each day about the right and wrong you have experienced. Did you each do something good you want to share? Is there somebody in the family you want to thank for a virtuous act? Is there something you wish you had not done that you need to talk about? How can you make tomorrow a better day?


Play values charades. Think of a value that is important to you and act it out without talking for other people to guess what it is, then have other family members do the same thing.


Find something new your family can do to help the world and build its own self-esteem at the same time. Prove that when people do good things they feel good about themselves.