Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: The New UU: A Program for Welcoming Newcomers to Unitarian Universalist Congregations

Activity 3: Rights and Responsibilities of Membership

Part of The New UU

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Review Handout 1, Rights and Responsibilities of Membership. Modify it to reflect the expectations in your congregation. Print it and copy for all participants.

Description of Activity

Introduce the activity with these or similar words:

We have talked about covenant as the basis of Unitarian Universalist congregations. We covenant, or promise, to respect and support one another despite our differences. Membership is an expression of covenant-an agreement to work together with others for the benefit of the congregation.

Distribute the handout. Ask volunteers to read the handout aloud, one bullet point at a time. After each bullet point, ask for questions or comments. You may wish to illustrate the points with your own examples.