Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Building the World We Dream About: An Anti-racism Multicultural Program


With humility and courage born of our history, we are called as Unitarian Universalists to build the Beloved Community where all souls are welcome as blessings, and the human family lives whole and reconciled. — from "A Vision for Unitarian Universalism in a Multicultural World" by the Unitarian Universalist Association Leadership Council (October 1, 2008)

This workshop begins with a worship service which includes invited guests. Participants share their learning, their stories, and their new commitments with congregational leaders and others with whom they wish to be in relationship. It requires advance preparation:

Several weeks before the workshop:

  • Inform congregational leaders and other key people that an invitation to attend the worship service is coming and tell them the date and time.

Ten days before the workshop:

  • Remind participants who have agreed to invite particular guests to do so (or arrange for someone else to do so).

One week ahead:

  • Remind participants who have volunteered to write reflection, coordinate worship music, or arrange the worship table. Invite them to arrive early on the day of the worship service for last-minute preparations and coordination with one another.
  • Make a plan for refreshments following the worship.

The day of the workshop:

  • Arrive at least half an hour early. Complete your own preparations so you can be fully present 15 minutes early to assist participant preparations and greet guests.

Before leading this workshop, review the accessibility guidelines in the program Introduction under Integrating All Participants. Take food allergies and sensitivities into account when planning post-worship refreshments.


This workshop will:

  • Provide a structure for participants to share their learning, stories, and new commitments with congregational leaders and others with whom they wish to be in relationship
  • Put into practice the antiracist/multicultural principle of "going public" and being accountable for what you learned
  • Provide an opportunity for participants to enlist support for continuing the work of building an antiracist/multicultural faith community.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Create a worship experience that is meaningful for them and for guests who attend
  • Affirm and express a shared experience through stories, voices, and media, with witnesses from the congregation and community as invited guests
  • Hear responses from invited guests and request their support to expand action and learning in the congregation.