How has Our Whole Lives been received by congregations?

Each congregation’s experience with the curriculum is unique; however, some common themes have emerged. Overall, parents, facilitators, and participants alike have found Our Whole Lives to be an extremely valuable experience. Participants have commented on how well it has prepared them to make healthy decisions. Facilitators have commented on how "teacher-friendly" the curricula are, and how helpful it was to participate in a facilitator training workshop in advance of teaching. Parents have commented on how Our Whole Lives has helped open up communication with their children, and how it has improved their child’s confidence and self-esteem. Offering Our Whole Lives Grades 7-9 (the most time-intensive of the series) requires a significant commitment of time, energy, money (for teacher training), and volunteer power on the part of the congregation. Some religious educators have found it challenging to gather together these essential elements, either because of budget limitations, limited volunteer time, or schedule conflicts on the part of participants (shared custody and extracurricular activities are common participant scheduling challenges). When the time, energy, budget, and volunteers are in place, Our Whole Lives is very successful.