Calendar of Membership Committee Activities

  • August 1: Have full greeting teams in place to respond to increase in visitors. August is a prime month for church shoppers.
  • September 1: Have all congregational publications updated, printed and available for visitors and members.
  • October: Hold New Unitarian Universalist (UU) classes. If only doing two a year, do them in October and in March or April.
  • November: Hold New Member Ceremony and brunch.
  • November 15: Start to identify those who should be dropped from membership. Call or write those members who have not been seen recently or who have not contributed in the past several months to determine their interest. Follow bylaw procedures for dropping members.
  • January 15: Prepare updated membership number for submission to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) by February 1. Membership rolls should reflect addition of new members and deletion of those being dropped. Use the UUA form for submitting annual membership information.
  • January 15: Prepare and submit Membership Committee budget request to Finance Committee for following year.
  • March-April: Hold second New UU class.
  • May: Hold second New Member Ceremony and brunch.
  • May: Begin a survey by telephone and e-mail of those visitors who initially expressed interest at some point during the year, but did not return. Find out why they lost interest and prepare a report for the governing board. Correct any problems that were identified, such as lack of greeting, etc.
  • Monthly: Prepare membership committee report for Board of Trustees meetings.