CER Congregations in the News this Week

Normally we share news stories about our CER congregations via social media, but this week there are so many, it seemed best to share them all here. Shout out to Rachel Walden, UUA Communications Specialist who curates the list for us.

The news this weeks ranges from health care to immigration to multifaith work to acts of vandalism.

Fourth Universalist Society experiences an act of vandalism this week when someone scratched swastikas into their wooden front doors. A number of news outlets covered the event.

Meanwhile, the UU Fellowship of Huntington, NY hosted a rally protesting the repeal of the Affordable Care act.

In the DC area, faith leaders protested an ICE raid near a church and consider becoming sanctuary churches.

The minister of the UUs of Southern Delaware wrote an editorial supporting rights for transgender individuals.

The UU Congregation of Binghamton is hosting a protest against the reversal of the transgender bathroom rule by the Trump administration.

First UU Church of Columbus is teaming up with the Columbus Muslim community to host a Hijab day to help dispel misconceptions.