Another Week of Injustice

By Elizabeth Nguyen



Another Week of Striving to Overcome Injustice

This week has us grieving yet more murders of unarmed black and brown people, asking what happened to Sandra Bland and India ClarkeKenny Wiley responds to #IfIDieInPoliceCustody offering, "We are all gifted, and we are all flawed. I can speak and write well, and I also have depression and let friends and family down all the time. I should not need to be perfect in order to matter. Sandra Bland was not perfect, and she mattered."

What does healing or resilience, self-care or survival even begin to look like in the face of this state of emergency, as organizer Tia Oso called it when she interrupted the Netroots conference?

And where is church in this? Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, in an interview with Yes! Magazine says, "I think a church has a role to play, but this idea of the Church, with a big C, I think is obsolete. The young people in the street disturb our religious respectability and sensibility. Queer woman, single moms, pants sagging, tattoos—it disrupts the very character that the church presents to the world. I’m not terribly hopeful for the church. I think queer, black, poor women are the church’s salvation. They don’t need to get saved. The church needs to get saved."

This is the world, beloveds. Here's to the survivors, the freedom fighters, the joy-finders, the leaders and the followers, to saving each other,

~ Elizabeth