UUA Colors for Graphics and Text


The UUA aims for color contrasts meeting the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AAA, but requires Level AA.

When considering additional colors, use a tool like the A11y Color Contrast Accessibility Validator to make sure the colors have sufficient contrast. Find a color with better contrast using something like the Tanaguru Contrast Finder. WCAG 2.1 requires a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 for graphics and user interface components (such as form input borders). WCAG Level AAA requires a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 for normal text and 4.5:1 for large text.

Colors for Graphical Use

Our color palette is presented in Pantone; Red, Blue, and Green (RGB); Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK); and web codes (Hex).
Color Pantone RGB CMYK Hex Best Text Contrast
Red 1925 C/U 238 46 90 0 95 52 0 #ee2e5a Black only
Maroon 7427 C 171 27 66 24 100 68 13 #ab1b42 White only
Gray 425 C/U 88 89 91 0 0 0 80 #58595b White only
Black 419 C/U 35 31 32 50 0 0 100 #231F20 White only
Cream 607 C/U 255 251 211 0 0 21 0 #fffbd3 Black only
Green 376 C/U 160 195 59 43 5 100 0 #a0c33b Black only
Yellow 130 C/U 254 190 16 0 27 100 0 #febe10 Black only
Pink Rubine Red C/U 227 11 124 5 100 15 0 #e30b7c White preferred
Aqua 632 C/U 0 172 205 100 0 20 0 #00accd Black only
Blue 5265 C/U 60 58 115 74 72 0 40 #3c3a73 White only

Use a color conversion chart if you need the colors in other formats. 

Colors for Text

These colors are preferred for blocks of regular text against a white background, both in print and on the web, to ensure text is widely accessible.

Text color palette values in Pantone; Red, Blue, and Green (RGB); Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK); and web codes (Hex).
Color Pantone RGB CMYK Hex
Maroon 7427 C 171 27 66 24 100 68 13 #ab1b42
Gray 425 C/U 88 89 91 0 0 0 80 #58595b
Black 419 C/U 35 31 32 50 0 0 100 #231f20

Colors Adjusted for Headings

These colors meet accessibility compliance level AA or better against a white background. In this context, "large text" means at least 18 point or 14 point bold, so level AA is generally fine for use as a heading.
Color RGB CMYK Hex WCAG Standard Met
Red AA 225 41 90 6 97 52 0 #e1295a Level AA for regular text, Level AAA for large text
Red AAA 176 18 61 22 100 72 12 #b0123d Level AAA
Maroon AAA 171 27 66 24 100 68 13 #ab1b42 Level AAA
Gray AAA 88 89 91 0 0 0 80 #58595b Level AAA
Black AAA 35 31 32 50 0 0 100 #231f20 Level AAA
Green AA 102 127 60 62 33 95 15 #667f3c Level AA for regular text, Level AAA for large text
Green AAA 79 95 40 66 42 100 33 #4f5f28 Level AAA
Yellow AA 179 98 6 24 67 100 11 #b36206 Level AA for regular text, Level AAA for large text
Yellow AAA 139 71 2 31 73 100 29 #8b4702 Level AAA
Pink AA 227 11 124 5 100 15 0 #e30b7c Level AA for regular text, Level AAA for large text
Pink AAA 174 1 103 31 100 32 4 #ae0167 Level AAA
Aqua AA 3 129 162 85 38 25 2 #0381a2 Level AA for regular text, Level AAA for large text
Aqua AAA 15 96 127 92 56 33 12 #0f607f Level AAA
Blue AAA 60 58 115 74 72 0 40 #3c3a73 Level AAA

About the Author

UUA Outreach and Public Witness, Communications

Our Mission: The Outreach and Public Witness Office uses communications methods to advocate for an equitable world and spread the inclusive, healing messages of Unitarian Universalist values, while equipping others within the UU community to do the same. The Outreach and Public Witness Office...

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