UN Me Religious Education Curriculum

Children in RE class

The Unitarian Universalist Office at the United Nations (UU@UN) is proud to share our Religious Education packet, “UN Me” to help teach children about the United Nations and international engagement. The curriculum is created for approximately 4th grade but can be adapted for any age group.

The UN Me curriculum has been broken down into 5 units, each with a different theme and objective. Students will have the opportunity to learn about global issues, peacebuilding, the function of various organizations of the United Nations, and more! We also have provided additional resources including a document of activities for children and youth interested in further education and possible leadership opportunities related to human rights, adapted from the Girl Scouts of America badge “Our Rights, Our Responsibilities” on the rights of the child.

Please share this information with your Religious Education committee and help our children expand their knowledge of international affairs!

Curriculum Units

  1. Introducing the United Nations (PDF, 10 pages)
    The purpose of this unit is to orient students to the United Nations. Students will learn to recognize the United Nations symbol, gain a rough idea of the structure of the United Nations, and start forming questions about the various jobs the United Nations performs throughout the world.
  2. Sharing Facts and Opinions (PDF, 8 pages)
    The purpose of this unit is to help students to recognize some of the issues with which the UN is concerned. Students should begin to form or organize their own opinions on the subjects of children’s rights, the environment, and peacekeeping.
  3. Resolving Conflict (PDF, 8 pages)
    This unit should familiarize students with the peacekeeping work of the United Nations. Additionally, students should gain some skills in managing conflicts that occur in their own lives.
  4. Focusing Internationally (PDF, 8 pages)
    The purpose of this unit is to help the children learn about interdependence through working together and thinking together to solve both small and global issues. They will also consider the UN charter and examples of interconnection.
  5. Applying New Knowledge of the United Nations (PDF, 6 pages)
    This unit is an opportunity for students to use role-playing to review what they have already learned. Students should also get a better sense of how the UN works from this lesson. Finally, hey will get the chance apply what they have learned to a class project.

Complete Curriculum PDF

Additional Resources