Ecumenical Resources on Generosity and Giving


  • Branson, Mark Lau, Memories, Hopes and Conversations: Appreciative Inquiry and Congregational Change.
  • Callahan, Kennon L. Giving and Stewardship in an Effective Church: A Guide for Every Member. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990.
  • Jeavons, Thomas H., and Rebekah Burch Basinger. Growing Givers’ Hearts: Treating Fundraising as Ministry. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
  • Johnson, Janice, FCBA, and Swint, Ruben, Weaving Our Lives Together: A Stewardship Program For Your Congregation, 2004, NACBA Press, Richardson, TX, (800) 898-8085.
  • Living the Good News and the Office of Stewardship at the Episcopal Church Center, Growing A Grateful, Generous Heart, 2003, Living the Good News.
    Growing A Grateful, Generous Heart is a curriculum set which includes a Leader Guide, Parent/Family Resource, and booklets for children in four different age groupings. The basic message is that of biblical stewardship, with engaging and age-appropriate activities and easy-to-follow format.
  • O’Hurley-Pitts, Michael. The Passionate Steward: Recovering Christian Stewardship from Secular Fundraising.Toronto, ON: St. Brigid Press, 2001.
  • Roehlkepartain, Naftali, and Musegades, Growing Up Generous: Engaging Youth in Giving and Serving.
  • The Search Institute (Lutheran)
    Searchable website with a wide range of resources, including the topics of stewardship.
  • Stewardship of Life (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
  • Twist, Lynne, The Soul of Money, W.W. Norton. NY. 2003.
    This book uses the personal stories and practical advise of global activist, Lynne Twist, to demonstrate how to examine our attitudes toward money and how we earn it, spend it, save it and give it away. Strong message of transformation.
  • *Wright, Lauren Tyler, Giving—the Sacred Art, Skylight Paths Publishing, Woodstock, VT. 2008.
    Practical tips and inspiring thoughts for living a life of abundance and spirit-filled generosity. Giving as worship; giving as stewardship; giving as charity; and giving as justice are the topics.
  • Zech, Charles E., Best Practices in Parish Stewardship, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division. 2008.