Thirty Days of Love, Day 26: Write Lovingly

By Kayla Parker

Date: Feb 10 – Write a Loving Letter to the Editor Staff Member: Campus Ministry Associate Kayla Parker Description: With the culmination of our 30 day--Valentine’s Day--fast approaching, write a letter to the editor about your hopes for a better world with more value for the dignity of all people. Letter to Editor of Boston Globe I am writing to show my support for the Standing on the Side of Love campaign which provides people hoping to end oppression bright yellow shirts, loving rhetoric and a peaceful presence. You might have noticed the shirts on folks marching, preaching and providing pastoral support during Occupy Boston events at Dewey Square. This is a campaign of the Unitarian Universalist Association that is open to people of any or no faith, because we know we need your help. Our goal to end oppression and respect the inherent worth and dignity of every individual cannot become a reality without the help of each of you. Please join us in creating a world where all of our children can be safe, educated, employed and loved. In this world, minors who have come to this country and graduated from schools or served in the military would be able to remain here after this service or education thanks to the DREAM Act. This degree would not only help advance the country they were educated in, the country where many have established communities for themselves. In this world, our transgender siblings would be able to safely go into restrooms, and their ability to do so would not be the topic of hours of debate to achieve the passing of An Act relative to transgender equal rights (passed in November, 2011). Instead, public discussions would focus on how to make work places and public spaces accessible to the diversity of gender expressions and identities that exist in our communities. In this world, we would take a minute or two to connect with the human in other human beings and let this influence our thoughts and actions. We would respect the inherent worth and dignity of all. Please, join me in creating this world. Sincerely, Kayla Parker – Kayla.