Watch What's Behind the Kitchen Door

By Ted Resnikoff

Check-out these fun videos and use the wealth of resources offered by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committe e in support of the 2013-2014 Common Read, Behind the Kitchen Door, by Saru Jayaraman.–Ed. YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES

Youth and youth groups can catalyze their congregation's participation in Common Read 2014 with these activities:

Ask Your Congregation

Working in the food service industry is one of the most common ways to start one's working life. Whether as a youth working in an ice cream parlor or fast-food franchise or as a young adult busing tables through school or working as a waiter, many members of your congregation have unknown stories of their life working in food service. Engage them to share their story with you and think of planning a service or event to present all of their stories to each other.

1. Collect Stories of working in restaurants from members of the Congregation. Create a video or audio recorded account, or a written interview. (Redact the names of the people you interview, but include the name of your congregation.)

2. Ask where they stand on the issue of wages and work-practices at restaurants? Do they frequenting restaurants that treat employees well and boycott those that do not? Why? (Or why not?)

3. Do they speak with others (including non-UUs) about these issues?

4. Do they have a conversation with the management at restaurants to learn about their wage and work-practices? If no, why not?

Ask the Manager 1. What are you proud of in terms of employment policies of the restaurant or your employer? (Health care, training, opportunities for advancement, diversity of workforce...) 2. How diverse is your workforce? (Gender, racial, religious, etc.) 2. What are training or advancement opportunities at your restaurant? 3. What is the tip policy at your restaurant? How are tips distributed? Do non-wait staff benefit from tip sharing? Are employees paid tip wage, minimum wage or more? 4. How do you publicize or advertize employment opportunities? Buy Behind the Kitchen Door from the UUA Bookstore – discounts available at point of purchase. Common Read 2014 Study Guide Make visible the lives of people who are subject to discrimination and oppression based on economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and/or immigration status; direct your discussion on this important topic from a spiritual and practical point-of-view; take action to "right the wrong". UUA Economic Justice Resources Learn about the crucial issue of wage inequality, what living on minimum wage really means and what you can do to improve the situation.


