Go to The Hub: Young Adult UUs

By Carey McDonald

The Hub 3.12
Young adult Unitarian Universalists share, seek and connect at The Hub: Young Adult UUs. Join this new Facebook open page that offers UU young adult groups a great way to come together.

Join The Hub at facebook.com/HubYAUU.

Young adult UU's are a big, diverse group, spanning ages 18-35 (inclusive). In fact, maybe the only thing that unites us is that we are UU's going through transitions and discernment. That's why The Hub embraces a diverse vision of young adult ministry that includes religious communities for college students, young families, working young adults, spiritual seekers and young religious professionals, just to name a few. Here's what else The Hub offers:
  • The Hub Map - Add your group to this visual representation of the network of Unitarian Universalist young adult groups across the country. Please add your group's website, Facebook presence or other contact information to this open source map.
  • The Hub Calendar - This is an open source calendar of local, regional and national events for and by young adult Unitarian Universalists.
Become a fan of The Hub to receive updates on young adult issues and share your own events and stories and connect with the national community of young adult UUs and UU groups and leaders. Share it with your friends! If you have a young adult group or page, share The Hub with the world! The Hub is hosted by the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Unitarian Universalist Association.