You Create Inclusion

By Ted Resnikoff


The Multicultural Ministries Sharing Project Survey Deadline is November 30, 2013.

Share Your Identity: Change Ours

Unitarian Universalism aspires to be a fully inclusive faith, however until Unitarian Universalists of all identities, backgrounds, abilities, and choices have been heard the faith can not be fully inclusive. That is why the Multicultural Ministries of the UUA has launched the 2013 Sharing Project.

The project comprises two phases - investigation and reflection – and the first phase depends upon the participation of historically marginalized Unitarian Univeralists to tell us about their unique experience and ministry needs within Unitarian Universalism. This is accomplished through a survey (take the survey here) followed by focus groups of randimly selected volunteer survay respondents and other key UU leaders. (Read more about the project here.)

For the purposes of this project, the UUA seeks individuals who identify as being someone who is:

  • lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or otherwise has a sexual orientation or gender identity/expression that doesn’t conform to cultural norms
  • a person of color, a multiracial/multiethnic person, and/or someone whose racial/ethnic/cultural heritages are marginalized today
  • a person whose visual, hearing, mobility, mental health, intellectual, learning/attention, cognitive, and/or other abilities (including chemical sensitivity and food allergies) make it difficult to participate fully in mainstream spaces
The effort to survey the ministry needs of members of historically marginalized communities is challenging because those who are or have been historically marginalized understandably don't always feel welcomed, and therefore might not think to participate. However, for the objective of greater inclusion to be reached, and to achieve the all important goal of ministering to all Unitarian Universalists in meaningful and spiritually fulfilling ways, please participate – either directly or by sharing this information within your community. Thank-you! Previously on Blue Boat: Sharing and Working it Together for All