Surveying the Unitarian Universalist World

By Carey McDonald



Give Voice to Your Beliefs with the UU World Survey

It may mean the world to you. You may read every issue, leave it out on your coffee table as a conversation starter, or donate your copy to a doctor’s office or library as a way of sharing Unitarian Universalism with others. Or you may wish we stopped printing a “dead tree” edition, and simply made it available for your Kindle or iPad. You may subscribe to our weekly email newsletter, or know us only through our website, How would you like to see the UUA’s communications evolve in the twenty-first century? We are also surveying a random sample of members so we won’t only be hearing from UUs who actively read the magazine. Beyond helping us understand what we’re doing well and what we could be doing better and differently, the survey will give the UUA the most current and accurate demographic picture of our religious movement. That’s part of what we hope to learn from a survey to chart the magazine’s future course. We do not merely hope to find out what you like about the magazine or would wish to change. We need to know what it means to you to receive the magazine. This survey doesn't just ask which parts of the magazine you read. It also asks how you get information and would prefer to get information about Unitarian Universalism, where you turn for inspiration, and how else you feel connected to the Association. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at If you cannot complete the survey online, or prefer to receive a copy of the survey in the mail, you may request a copy of the survey by calling 617–948–6502 or by emailing Take the survey here.