Describe the Future of Unitarian Universalism

By Ted Resnikoff

Abstract  Background

UU Futures Survey Wants Your Input

The Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association, asking "What will the world be like in the year 2050," is using a scenario planning approach to envision alternative futures for Unitarian Univeralism. The scenario planning process creates four different basic story results from decade ordered headlines which will be expanded by teams of UUA board and staff members.. Once the headlines are established, a writer on each team will create a story based on those headlines. In October the Board will use those four different stories of the future to answer questions like:
  • How would the purpose, form, or function of the UUA change in this future?
  • What are the most important steps the UUA can take to make a desired scenario happen or head off or moderate the impact of an undesirable one?
  • What are the new opportunities that this future presents?
  • What are the key dangers or problems this future presents, and what could the UUA do to minimize them?
To participate in the survey and learn more about Scenario Planning and its contextual history click here! (…)