Resolution on Beacon Press 2002 Responsive Resolution

Mindful of the connection between Beacon Press book sales and Beacon Press deficits and heeding the admonitions of the UUA Finance Committee and our President that the publication of unsold books is neither useful to our mission or supportive of our finances;

We, the representatives of the member congregations of the UUA, resolve at this 2002 General Assembly to:

  1. seek ways to vigorously promote the Beacon Press in our congregations and communities;
  2. urge our brother and sister congregants to each buy two Beacon books during fiscal year 2003 and to continue that spiritual practice thereafter;
  3. pay attention to news of Beacon Press publications and promotion;
  4. employ all means possible to take responsibility for the health and future of the Beacon Press; and
  5. join the work of the newly formed Beacon Press Preservation Committee.