International Engagements 2005 Responsive Resolution

In response to the President's Report we express our appreciation of President Sinkford's attention to global issues, including his anticipated trip to Africa this fall. We also recall the admonitions of Patrick O'Neill at the Service of the Living Tradition. Alarmed that our global woods are ablaze, we—as individuals and congregations—must get out of our little individualistic huts in the woods and engage the world on behalf of our core religious values. Unitarian Universalism is global, not parochial. Our 6th principle asserts "the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all." We must embody this goal by advocating, honoring, and expanding the ways we can act as responsible global citizens.

Therefore, be it resolved that the 2005 General Assembly urges the administration, the Board and the General Assembly Planning Committee to include our international engagements as part of the 2006 General Assembly theme of "Toward Right Relationships."