Africa 1961 General Resolution

WHEREAS, 1960 was the "Year of Africa" in that 17 new states became independent, 14 of which were admitted to the United Nations; and

WHEREAS, in other areas of Africa, notably Algeria, Southwest Africa, the Rhodesias, Mozambique and Angola, Africans are denied self-government and other basic human rights; and

WHEREAS, the newly-independent African states are greatly in need of technical and economic assistance;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association urges: That the governments of Canada and the United States tender substantial technical and economic assistance to the newly-independent African nations, to be channeled through the United Nations; and That unrelenting pressure be applied to these governments to press for the political and economic freedom of those areas under colonial rule; and That the newly-freed peoples of Africa, both as individuals and as nations, be accorded esteem and courtesy commensurate with the vital role they are playing in international affairs; and That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the appropriate officials of the United States, Canada, the United Nations, and the newly-formed countries of Africa.